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Do you know the radius of bending of sheet metal?

Apr 26, 2024

Sheet metal bending radius: an important parameter in sheet metal bending.

Sheet metal bending is a common processing process in the manufacturing industry. It applies force to the metal sheet to form the desired shape along a predetermined bending line. In the sheet metal bending process, the bending radius is a key parameter, and its correct selection and control are crucial to the appearance, strength and functionality of the product. This article will discuss the definition and influencing factors of sheet metal bending radius.


Definition of bend radius

Bending radius refers to the bending radius formed by sheet metal during the bending process. It is the distance from the inside to the outside of the bend line, usually expressed in millimeters or inches. The size of the bending radius directly affects the bending angle after bending and the degree of deformation of the bending area.

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Factors affecting bending radius

1. Material properties: Different types of metal materials have different plasticity and strength, which will affect their deformation ability and minimum bending radius during the bending process.

2. Plate thickness: The thicker the plate, the larger the minimum bending radius required to avoid excessive strain and cracking.

3. Bending process: Different bending processes, such as air bending, mechanical bending and hydraulic bending, have different requirements and restrictions on bending radius.

4. Design requirements: The design requirements and functional requirements of the product will also put forward requirements for the bending radius, such as appearance requirements, structural strength, etc.

5. Mold: The mold selected during bending will also directly affect the size of the sheet metal bending radius. The larger the die notch, the larger the radius.

Application of bending radius

1. Technical evaluation: During the product design stage, for specific sheet metal parts, a technical evaluation of the bending radius is required to determine the optimal bending radius range to meet design requirements and ensure product quality.

2. Process control: During the sheet metal bending process, reasonable control of the bending radius can avoid excessive strain, cracking or distortion of the material, and improve the processing accuracy and consistency of the product.

3. Quality assurance: The selection and control of bending radius has an important impact on the appearance quality, dimensional accuracy and strength performance of the product. A reasonable bending radius can reduce product deformation and defects.

in conclusion:

Sheet metal bending radius is an important parameter in the manufacturing industry, which directly affects the quality and performance of the product. Correct selection and control of the bending radius can ensure the appearance quality, dimensional accuracy and strength performance of the product, and improve manufacturing efficiency and product competitiveness. In future production practice, we should continue to pay attention to and conduct in-depth research on the optimization method of sheet metal bending radius to meet the evolving manufacturing needs.

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